The Process

What happens after you book your photo session with me?


Every photo session created in my studio does not happen spontaneously.  It is a process that consists of  Pre-Session Consultation, Photo Session,  Reveal / Ordering Appointment and Delivery. 

During Pre-Consultation I take my time to find out about your family, your style, your ideas and vision.  One of my key question to you as a client would be “Where do you envision your favorite family portrait in your home?” 

Perhaps it’s in the living room over a fireplace where your family and friends can admire it daily. Maybe in the long hallway or a staircase wall where a display of smaller portraits would look absolutely beautiful. Or maybe you’ve always wanted a grand heirloom album custom made for your family. Whatever those ideas are I am here to help you and I will create beautiful artwork for your family that you will love and cherish for many years to come. 


I will walk you through this process and will help you prepare for your photo session. I will guide you on choosing the best clothing for you and your family that will look timeless in your portraits. I will give you detailed instructions on how to get your beautiful newborn baby ready for his first photo session and make sure that it goes as smooth as possible for him and for you. 

On the day of your Photo Session you will know exactly what to expect. This photo session will be carefully crafted, color coordinated and designed for your family where your baby  and your family connection and love will be the center of your art. You will not have to do much but just sit back and watch the magic happen.

Shortly after your Photo Session we schedule a day that works for you for your Reveal and Ordering appointment.  It is the most exciting and emotional time for the whole family! This is when you’ll view your images for the first time and will be able to choose your favorites and select that day the final art pieces that you would like me to create for your home. I will suggest different ways you can display your portraits. Using digital software I will show you how your selected pieces will look on your walls and we’ll be able to adjust anything to your liking and make ordering easy for you.  Your portrait order will be finalized that day so make sure to pick the time that both decision makers , mom and dad, would be present.  
The products that I offer in my studio are unique and rated with museum quality. I  use only finest professional photography labs of the country  which ensures highest quality and durability of  what I offer.  These products are meant to last for generations and they will become the center of attention in your home.  


Delivery. After your order is finalized and fully paid you should expect it within 3-4 weeks.  As soon as your order arrives to my studio you will be notified of that and we will coordinate a pick up.  

I can’t help but add that an emotional impact that your favorite family or baby portrait has on you is so much bigger than from a digital image – which are very fragile and will not stand a test of time.  And if you cry (which happens a lot!) during your reveal appointment you will be absolutely IN AWE  when you see your art on your walls at home. It ties all of the pieces together and brings a big emotional element where a part of you,  your beautiful family, your baby’s smile, the love and connection you share is preserved FOREVER. After years go by and children are all grown the story of your family will remain TIMELESS on your walls and will live in your heirloom albums that were handmade and beautifully crafted for YOU with great dedication and love.